Raised in the World of Everyday Poets

Order my new chapbook here.

“Have you heard of the flawless, beautifully cut Blue Jager diamonds? Darlene
O’Dell’s book is one such. It begins with these lines: ‘the creak of an old trunk’—
a window to the soul indeed! Every haibun reveals a couple’s personalities, each
facet clear as day. It’s a poignant and layered tribute written by a doting child.
This book is not to be missed.”
— Kala Ramesh

“In their very authenticity, Darlene O’Dell’s haiku and haibun both capture and
transcend the personal. Vivid snippets of family folklore—forklift and coffee cup
miracles—help us recall our own. The fine texture of her memories—constricting
patent leather shoes, scratchy lawn chairs—elicit similar (or the same!) sensations
in others. But the unifying thread here is poetry, a lifeline from parent to child to
adult—one that may not save us from life’s adversities, but just might sustain us.”
— Scott Mason

Raised in the World of Everyday Poets is about finding poetry in unlikely places, about the elusive nature of storytelling, and about the mythical power of baseball in the U.S. consciousness.

Order your copy here.