
Dr. Darlene O’Dell is the author of The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven, Raised in the World of Everyday Poets, Sites of Southern Memory: The Autobiographies of Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin, Lillian Smith, and Pauli Murray (University Press of Virginia, 2003), I Followed Close Behind Her (Spinsters Ink, 2001), and numerous articles. Read her articles in National Catholic Reporter and her poetry in Modern Haiku, Contemporary Haibun, Presence, Frogpond, Wales Haiku Journal, Sonic Boom, failed haiku, Under the Basho, and the museum of americana.

Order your copy of the new and updated The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven from Church Publishing, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore (like Malaprop’s in Asheville and Highland Books in Brevard).